We asked for a home
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We asked for a home

For our friends David and Sue Woods on their wedding, 1983


We asked for a home, and you gave us a journey.

Faith, like a single flame, weaving light and shadow

on an unknown way.

Spirit sending, Dove descending.

What we long for comes to be.


We asked for a sign, and you gave us a vision

Hope, like a dancer's hands, forming shape and substance

from tomorrow's day.

Light ascending, Love transcending.

What we long for comes to be.


We asked for a time and you gave us a calling.

Prayer, like a soaring dove, gathers past and future

into certainty.

Spirit sending, Love transcending.

What we long for comes to be.


We asked for love and you gave us community.

Love, like a greening vine, bringing joy and beauty

in its promised Spring.

Bread is broken, Word is spoken.

What we long for comes to be.


Words: © David and Sue Woods

Music: © Doug Simper