Take, my love, this offered hand
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For the wedding of Michelle Simper and Cameron Everett


Take, my love, this offered hand,

as gift received and freely given.

With the freshness of a snow-fed stream

that dances down its eager course by valley, rift and rill

to join the waiting sea,

take, my love, this offered hand,

as gift received and freely given within a larger, circling Love.

Love our hope and yearning


Take, my love, this sacred vow,

as pledge received and freely given.

With the newness of a rain-fresh creek

that traces out its certain way by gully, cleft and fall

to join the patient sea,

take, my love, this sacred vow,

as pledge received and freely given within a larger, promised Love.

Love our lives renewing.


Take, my love, this given life

as gathered days and future hope.

As the union of two streams that meet

to chart a new and common course by desert, flood and plain

to join the endless sea,

our hearts and hands and bodies join

to offer each our gathered days within a larger, faithful Love.

Love our source and ending.


Words ©  Neil Quintrell

Music: © Douglas Simper