Song for Charmian Orr
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Song for Charmian Orr


A song for Charmian Orr's 21st birthday, written at her mother Lorna's request


A canopy of stars spans the evening sky,

the city's dancing lights are spread below:

and the sparkle and the brilliance

of the near and distant lights

are reflected in your smile and in your eyes.

Born of my breathing.

Formed of my loving.

Laughter and tears.

You warm us with your laughter

and you move us with your tears.

An open-hearted giving

takes form in music-making

and hands that, strong and graceful,

move lively through the dance.

Child of my breathing.

Shaped in our loving.

Sharing our years.

Whom once I held, in perfect form,

as infant, face to face,

and hand in hand, in childhood trust,

and woman-child's embrace,

I greet anew as woman grown

as lovely as a summer dawn.

Child of my breathing.

Sharing our loving.

Over our years.


Words: © Neil Quintrell

Music: © Doug Simper