A child at our door
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Look! A child at our door,

in his words and ways a stranger.

His home is torn by war

and he asks for food and shelter.


Look! A child at our door,

in her eyes are pain and terror.

She is cold and hungry and poor

and she asks for warmth and safety.


Many children now at our door,

their faces raised in pleading.

Bid them enter, offer them succour.

Give them food and hope and healing.


Look! They stand at our door,

and seek a place of freedom.

Bid them enter. Offer them room,

for the Christ is born in our welcome.


Words: Neil Quintrell © Pilgrim Publishing

Music: traditional

 I wrote this song for an Advent service. It reflected current concerns for the treatment of the children of asylum seekers who were interned in harsh conditions.