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Scott family

The Scott family in Adelaide, South Australia

Scott family group photo
The Scott and Pearce families

The Scott family is linked to Jarvis family through Alice May Scott who married Eric Roy Jarvis of Adelaide, South Australia. Alice is grandmother to the author and many memories are of Uncles and Aunts from the Scott family.

Alice's brother, Arnold, married Violet Moon and they had three daughters, Norma, Joyce and Rhonda.
Norma married Ray Desmond leading to the Desmond family. Photos provided by Greg Desmond, grandson of Arnold Scott.

Lynn Jarvis

The Scott family tree

The interactive family tree

Information has been recoved from the work of Neil Quintrell and from FamilySearch.

Where you see blue squares at the left margin, move the cursor over them to bring up thumbnail images. Click on the square to bring up the particular image or document. Where there are further details for a person, click on their name to bring up a profile and more information. Click the "Back" button at the top of the browser to return to the chart.


Scott family photos

Desmond family photos and album

Arnold Scott photography