Lindsay Mallett SANDERSON

Birth date: 22 Sep 1884
Birth place: Port Augusta, South Australia, Australia
Death date: 28 May 1952
Death place: Port Augusta, South Australia
Parents: Francis Clement Villiers SANDERSON and Emma Stanton TORTOISE.
Married: Elsie Susan BEAMES on 26 Apr 1906 in Port Augusta, South Australia
Children: Enid Marjorie French (born Sanderson), Lorna Jean Greenfield (born Sanderson), Arthur Christopher Sanderson


Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
Sep 29 1933


On Monday last His Worship the Mayor of Port Augusta (Mr. K.H. Hunter) and the Corporation's Electrical Engineer (Mr. W. Keer), waited as a deputation on the West-Side Council, to discuss with them the proposition of reticulating Port Augusta West with electricity. The deputation suggested laying mains over the bridge, and said that the Corporation would offer the West Side subscribers the same conditions as those ruling in Port Augusta, and the services of the Electrical Engineer would also be made available to the West-Side citizens. The proposition was given a favorable hearing, and after discussion, Mr. L.M. Sanderson (Mayor of Port Augusta West) promised to canvass the town for subscribers and go into the mat ter of street lighting. He will report at a later meeting, when it is hoped that some finality will be reached.

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
Feb 4 1927


On Thursday evening last a social was tendered Miss M. Sanderson (who is leaving Port Augusta West for Orroroo, where she will take up a position on the nursing staff of the hospital in that district) by members of Christ Church.

Mr. J. Dighton, who presided, apologised for the absence of Rev. A. S. Urch, and, on behalf of members and friends of Christ Church, presented Miss Sanderson with a Xylonite manicure set and powder box. Mr. L. M. Sanderson (Mayor) suitably responded on his daughter's behalf.

Dancing and games were indulged in till 11.30 p.m., music for which was provided by Miss Dighton and Mr Matthews. Guessing competitions were won by Mrs Barber and Mr. J. King. Supper was provided by the ladies, and an enjoyable evening was concluded by the singing of "For she's a jolly good fellow" and "Auld Lang Syne."

Mr L. M. Sanderson, Mayor of Port Augusta West, returned home on Sun day evening last after a seven weeks' sojourn at Cleve. The hardest to find is an honest partner for a swindle.

Observer (Adelaide, SA)
May 19 1928


The wedding was celebrated at Christ Church, Port Augusta West, on Tuesday, May 8, of Marjorie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Sanderson, of Port Augusta West, and Lawrence, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. French, of Pernatty Station. The Rev. A. S. Urch officiated, and Mr. Wrench presided at the organ.

The bride was given away by her father, and looked charming in white georgette frock over crepe de chine, trimmed with silk and crystal lace. An embroidered veil with orange blossom and silver ribbon was worn, and a sheaf of white and pink carnations and chrysanthemum with maiden-hair fern carried.

The brides maids, Miss Jean Sanderson and Miss E. French, were frocked in autumn-coloured georgette over crepe de chine, trimmed with gold lace, wore hats to match, and carried bouquets of autumn shades, tied with gold streamers. They also wore the hridegroom's gifts of gold armlets. Mr. W. French was best man, and Mr. C. Lloyd groomsman.

After the ceremony a reception was held at the parish hall. The guests, numbering about 100. were received by the parents of the bride and bridegroom. The bride's mother was frockcd in navy georgette. After the usual toasts were honoured, the bride and bridegroom left for a motor tour of the south east, the former travelling in a frock of wine coloured repp, with beige georgette and hat to match.

News (Adelaide, SA)
Nov 13 1937


I, LINDSAY MALLETT SANDERSON of Port Augusta in the State of South Australia, Out of Business, hereby give NOTICE that I did on the ninth day of November 1937 deposit with the Assistant Clerk of the Licensing Court for the Northern Licensing District at a meeting of the said Court held at Port Augusta, plans of premises proposed to be erected on Allotments numbered 238 and 239 situated at the corner of Darling Terrace and Forsyth Street in the town known as Whyalla in respect of which premises I intend to apply to the Annual General Meeting of the Licensing Court for the Northern Licensing District sitting at Port Augusta on or about the 14th day of February 1938 for a publican's license.

DATED the 11th day of November 1937
L.M. Sanderson

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
June 13 1947


The marriage of Elsie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Sanderson, of Port Augusta West to Syd, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bartsch of Port Augusta, will be solemnised at Christ Church, Port Augusts West on Staurday June 21 at 7.30 pm.

Transcontinental (Port Augusta, SA)
Aug 13 1926


Petition to Superintendent.
For some time past West-Side residents have been promised continuous telephone connection with Port Augusta Exchange. The cable has been laid across the gulf for several months but no further steps taken in the matter by the Postal Authorities. With a view to hurrying on the promised convenience Mayor L.M. Sanderson of Port Augusta West) has had a petition drawn up for presentation to the Superintendent of Telephones. All West-Riders (subscribers and residents) are asked to sign tbe petition immediately, either at Mrs. G. Addison's Shop or at the Council Chamber.

Friday Mar 27 1925

Port Augusta Ferry,
At a meeting of the Port Augusta West Council on March 18 the Mayor (Mr L. M. Sanderson) referred to the proposed new ferry service to be undertaken by the Government and the proposed expenditure of three or four thousand pounds in connection therewith. He considered the expenditure wouid give more satisfaction if utilised in the direction of providing a bridge. He thought the council would work with the West Coast in agitating for the same. On the motion of Crs D. McSporran and S.J. Kirwan, it was decided that a letter be written to Mr Harvey, member for the district, asking for full particulars as to what the Government purposed doing in connection with the new ferry service.
