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Sanderson family

Sanderson family coat of arms

A record of the Sanderson family in Australia

Sanderson family group photo
The family of Gertrude and Verner Sanderson in Port Augusta in 1960

This record has been compiled to provide information for the descendants of Verner Stuart Leslie Sanderson and Gertrude Spurling of Port Augusta.

The family tree is arranged with links to documents and other material of interest. Some of the documents are transcribed from typed copy. Together with these are researched material including images or other informative literature that gives us an insight into their lives.

Although this was started for the interests of the families descended from Verner and Gertrude Sanderson of Port Augusta, there is much more information that can be gathered from the many families involved, mainly because most of them were so large.

Lynn Jarvis - Son of Shirley and Keith and Grandson to Verner and Gertrude
Website created, August 2020

The Sanderson family tree

You can explore the tree by clicking the link above.

It has been compiled from the research and accounts of family members, namely Robert, Shirley, Aunty Ella and cousin Douglas, as well as details of the McCoy family by Margaret Taylor and research by Eileen Laing from Spring Gardens, North Shields, Tyne and Wear. Some of these documensts can be found below. Where available, letters, explanations, photographs and other material are retrieved by clicking on the particular family member.

Where you see blue squares at the left margin, move the cursor over them to bring up thumbnail images. Click on the square to bring up the particular image or document. Where there are further details for a person, click on their name to bring up a profile and more information. Click the "Back" button at the top of the browser to return to the chart.

Family history

Sanderson family 1969

This is a family history compiled by Robert Sanderson (my Uncle Bob), in January 1969.
He refers at the outset to Aunty Ella's writings and intended that they should be read together.

Aunty Ella's writings

Ella was Vern's sister and Aunty to the family. Their father was Francis Clement Villiers Sanderson and mother Emma Tortoise. Francis Clement Villiers was son of Francis Sanderson, the subject of Ella's writing, who originally came to Australia in 1852 as Ella details. This personal account adds depth and detail to other records. A transcipt can be viewed from the link above. There are also scans of the original typed pages.

Dad's family history - the Sandersons

Of great interest is a letter to my mother Shirley from Eileen Laing who lived in Spring Gardens, North Shields, Tyne and Wear. She researched the details of Ella's writings by personally visiting Libraries and Records Offices and has made some interesting corrections. She has also added great detail about heraldry and the family shield. It's most useful to read her letter side by side with Ella's writings. The "Dad" she is referring to is father of Ella and Vern, Francis Clement Villiers Sanderson.

A brief history of Francis Sanderson

This is a brief history of Francis Sanderson of Kilingworth and details of his six children. The youngest, Francis Clement Villiers Sanderson, was father to Verner Stuart Leslie who in turn, together with Gertrude, raised a family of seven in Port Augusta. The source is presumably Aunty Ella as an addition to her more extensive history, although it was possibly created by my mother Shirley.

The Standpipe Hotel

This is a brief account of the Standpipe Hotel, which was leased by Aunty Ella and Murray Munro from about 1927. From about Vern and Gert stayed there with the family, after leaving the Glen Vern property.

Sanderson family - ancestors and descendants

Here is a transcript, with modifications, of portions of a book compiled by Douglas Sanderson in 1992 regarding the origins of Alexander Frederick Sanderson. Here you will find more detailed information relating back to the typewritten records of my Uncle Bob and his Aunty Ella.

Tortoise and Spurling family records

Yvonne Nicholson of Port Augusta, a lifetime friend of my mother Shirley, has researched the Tortoise and Spurling families by way of birth, death and marriage records, court records, library collections and original photos. They are a valuable source of infomation. Aunty Ella's writings also include more detail.

Michael Sanderson tribute

My cousin Michael Sanderson compiled a comprehensive Facebook note for ANZAC day 2020 including documents with the service history of his father Francis, his father in law Gordon Hunt, his brother Donald and nephew Matthew. These have been reproduced as self-contained pdf documents and include detailed information and many interesting pictures


Useful Genealogy websites