(An adaptation of a song written for David and Sue Woods' wedding, to which has been added ideas from one of Lee Levett-Olsen's sermons)


We asked for a home, and you gave us a journey.

Faith, like a single flame, weaving light and shadow on an unknown way.

We asked for a sign, and you gave us a vision.

Hope, like a dancer's hands, forming shape and substance from tomorrow's day.

Source of our call, and source of our sustaining,

spin into our dance of time faithfulness in days of doubt

that we may follow, follow boldly.


We asked for a rest and you gave us a calling.

Peace, like an eagle's rise, lifting doubt and weakness into certainty.

We asked for love and you gave us community.

Trust, like a desert flower, bringing joy and beauty in its promised Spring.

Source of our call, and source of our sustaining,

renew us by your Spirit rain, that from the stony days of drought

our lives may rise up, rise up greening.


Music: © Norm Inglis

Words: Neil Quintrell © Pilgrim Publishing