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Jarvis family

A record of the Jarvis family in Australia

This record is compiled primarily for the interests of families descended from Joshua Jarvis (1832-1877) and Mary Ann Barrett (1839-1913) of Victor Harbor and Jamestown in South Australia.

My Aunt Beryl writes : On the 10th June, 1851 the sailing ship “Reliance” sailed from Plymouth and on board was a 19 year old young man with the name of Joshua Jarvis travelling unaccompanied. - On the 20th January, 1855 at St. Stephens Church of England at Willunga, Joshua now aged 22, married Mary Ann Barrett aged 16 years.

One of their sons, Arthur Harold, married Eliza Jane James. Their son, Eric Roy, married Alice May Scott who were my grandparents. Their son, Keith Scott, and Shirley Mary Sanderson were my parents.

Lynn Jarvis
August 2021

The Jarvis family tree

The descendency chart here gives a good overview. It will be updated and accuracy of names and dates explored. Documents, photographs and other material of interest will be included as they come to hand.

You may notice blue squares at the left margin. Moving the cursor over these will bring up thumbnail images. Click on the square to bring up the particular image or document.

Where there are further details for a person, click on their name to bring up a profile and more information. Click the "Back" button at the top of the browser to return to the chart.

The Jarvis family in Australia from 1810-2000

Victor Harbor in South Australia

This is a transcript of a comprehensive book compiled by Beryl Jarvis, tracing the ancestry of the Jarvis family from origins in Wales to settlement in Victor Harbor in the South and Balaklava in the North of South Australia.

Detail in this book is immense. It's worth the time to read it slowly from start to end. In fact you may read it many times only to discover on a subsequent reading that you had missed something or the other. All the more to realise the extent of our family history that is faithfully recorded.

The book is the result of many years of research and a testament to Beryl's dedication. She provided a copy to each "branch" of the Jarvis family.

I have produced it as a web page with an index of chapters, additional photos and links to further information. I hope that I have created something true to the original so that all can have ready access.

Family history

Recollections of Cook on the Nullarbor plain in the early 30's

An interview by Neil Quintrell with my Grandmother Alice about their experiences in Cook. Eric Roy was a telegraphist and they moved to Cook as part of the repeater station there. Cook was on the Trans-Australian Railway line. Other repeaters were in Rawlinna to the West and Tarcoola to the East.

Neil was son of Norman Quintrell and Olive (Ollie), Alice's sister and he typed the interview from an audio tape recording. I have transcribed these and included some photos and informative links.

Family history story

The Backstory Journal is an online magazine run by the Melbourne Swinburne University of Technology with the theme of history meeting future voices of poetry, fiction, academic articles and reviews.

Amanda Pearson wrote a story based on the Jarvis family in Victor Harbor, Eliza and Arthur, from Eliza's point of view. It explores what their lives might have been like based on historical events and is fascinating when read in context with the book by Beryl Jarvis.


The family image gallery has selected images with captions and links to documents.

Photos of the site and remains of the home of John Barrett at Back Valley (Bald Hills), near Victor Harbor, where he lived in 1852. The site has great significance because Joshua and Mary-Ann first lived in the same area and, according to Beryl's book, her parents were probably John and Jane Barrett who lived at Bald Hills.

Photos from a trip to Cook by my Mother's sister, Jenny, returning with her partner, Norm, from their trip to Perth on the Indian Pacific in 2014. This gives a picture of Cook in more recent times compared to what it must have been like in the 30's.

Photos from a trip through Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, Greece, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Germany and Egypt by Shirley and Jenny in 1990. A once-in-a-lifetime journey.


If anybody has interest in creating a family tree without dependence on Geneaology services, I recommend "My Family Tree" by Chronoplex Software. Furthermore, the entire tree, including photos, can be exported as a GEDCOM file which can then be imported into any software that supports the format. For example, Jarvis_mft.ged. Note that this is just an example. It was used as a starter for the project and may be filled out in future.


  • Eric Roy Jarvis
    Compiled by the Victor Harbor RSL History Research Team, December 2011.