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Jarvis Genealogy

A compilation of records associated with the Jarvis family in Australia

These pages will lead you to records associated with the Jarvis family in Adelaide, South Australia - Keith Scott Jarvis and Shirley Mary Sanderson. Keith's parents (Eric Roy and Alice May) lead to the Jarvis and Scott families of Adelaide and Victor Harbor, and Shirley's parents (Verner and Gertrude) lead to the Sandersons and Spurlings of Port Augusta. See the Scott and Sanderson families below.

Lynn Jarvis
August 2021

The family pages

The Jarvis family

This describes the Jarvis family in Adelaide, South Australia and includes a descendency chart, documents, a photo album, references and other material of interest. Naturally the tree expands enormously and is not limited to the information here.

The Scott family

The Scott family is linked to the Jarvis family through Alice May Scott who married Eric Roy Jarvis. Alice is grandmother to the author and many memories of Uncles and Aunts are from the Scott family. The descendency chart gives an overview of the connection.

The Quintrell family

Alice's sister, Olive, married Norman Quintrell and this leads to the Quintrell family covered in detail by Neil Quintrell. His family website contains a huge amount of information for the descendants of the Scott and Quintrell families as well as the Jarvis family of Alice May and Eric Roy Jarvis.

The Sanderson family

This provides information for the descendants of Verner Stuart Leslie Sanderson and Gertrude Spurling of Port Augusta. Verner and Gertrude are parents of Shirley Mary Sanderson who married Keith Scott Jarvis in 1949. Because the families were so large, the tree expands considerably

The Sanderson diary

This is a record of the diary of Verner Stuart Leslie Sanderson, father of Shirley Mary Sanderson, describing his experiences in the first World War from the period July 17th 1915 to August 3rd 1917.

He was in signals and was responsible for maintaining communications, whatever that night have entailed. We can only imagine what that might have been, but can get some idea from the diary.

Not only is the hand-written diary transcribed, but it's extended with batallion daily extracts, maps, images, videos and links to more information. You can spend much time exploring this diary and hopefully understand what it was like from the words of somebody who was there at the time.

It's a small blue booklet that the author must have carried with him in his pocket in the trenches. He must have added to it day by day with the thought that one day somebody would read it. Now we all can.


Image galleries have been created from photos and albums for each family.

What's new

A What's new page shows ongoing updates.

Family history archive

I wanted to create a lasting family record independent of any Geneaology or web hosting service or even software to generate the pages. This is made possible by GitHub, a software development system that allows upload and tracking of changes. This is such a project, where the web-pages are basic "html" and hosted directly by GitHub itself. You don't have to sign up for anything to view them and each repository can be downloaded complete if you want to explore the files locally or contribute to backup to preserve the record.